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[🆕🇻🇳] Học tiếng anh mỗi ngày 📚 Top1Learn 📕 TIẾNG ANH CHỦ ĐỀ Y TẾ ( PUBLIC HEALTH ) NHỮNG THUẬT NGỮ Y HỌC PHỔ THÔNG (UPDATING) (COMMON MEDICAL TERMS) ★ BỆNH LIÊN QUAN RĂNG MIỆNG – gingivitis: viêm nư , shares-3✔️ , likes-3❤️️ , date-2023-08-16 06:58:13🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳📰🆕


😎❤ॐ🤸💪🧘🏻🙏🏻🎧👗🛒🛍️🥾👔🤵🏻🏀🏆🏓⛹️‍🤼‍🏃🏻🚴🏼🏋🏻‍🏌️⛳🏑🛰💅💇 …
– gingivitis: viêm nướu răng
– chronic sinusitis: viêm xoang mãn tính
– asthma/ˈæzmə/: bệnh hen suyễn
– sinusitis/ˌsaɪnəˈsaɪtɪs/: viêm xoang
– failing sight: suy giảm thị lực
– astigmatism/əˈstɪɡmətɪzəm/: bệnh loạn thị
– asthenopia: mỏi mắt, mắt yếu
– depression/dɪˈpreʃn/: chứng trầm cảm
– atheroschlerosis: xơ vữa động mạch
– coronary artery: động mạch vành
– brain tumor: khối u trong não
– cerebral tumor /səˈriːbrəl/: khối u não
– cerebrovascular accident (CVA): tai biến mạch máu não
– collapse: đột quỵ (xỉu)
– dyslexia: chứng khó đọc
– encephalitis: viêm não
– encephalomalacia: chứng nhũn não

– bronchitis /brɑːŋˈkaɪtɪs/: viêm phế quản
– bronchoscopy: soi phế quản

⁎ cardiac failure: suy tim
⁎ cardiovascular accidents/ˌkɑːrdiəʊˈvæskjələr/: tai biến tim mạch
⁎ congenital heart disease /kənˈdʒenɪtl/: bệnh tim bẩm sinh
CAT (computer-assisted tomography) scanning: phương pháp chụp cắt bằng điện toán

– diuretic: thuốc lợi tiểu
– drug-resistant strains: những giống (muỗi) kháng thuốc
– analgesics/ˌænəlˈdʒiːzɪk/: thuốc giảm đau
– antibiotic ointment /æntibaɪˈɑːtɪk ˈɔɪntmənt/: thuốc mỡ bôi có chất kháng sinh
– antidepressant: thuốc chống trầm cảm

chromosome: nhiễm sắc thể

– constipation: táo bón
– diabetes/ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/: tiểu đường
– diarrhoea/ˌdaɪəˈriːə/: tiêu chảy
– cholelithiasis: chứng sỏi mật
– enteritis: viêm ruột
– appendix/əˈpendɪks/: ruột thừa
– gastric ulcer: loét bao tử
– gastroenteritis /ɡæstrəʊˌentəˈraɪtɪs/: viêm ruột dạ dày
– haemorrhoids/ˈhemərɔɪdz/: bệnh trĩ
– cirrhosis of the liver /səˈrəʊsɪs/: xơ gan
– hepatitic impairment /ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs ɪmˈpermənt/: suy gan
– hepatitis B virus: viêm gan siêu vi B
– hepatitis: viêm gan
– liver cancer: ung thư gan
– clinical syndrome: hội chứng lâm sàng
– collagen injection/ˈkɑːlədʒən/: bơm cô la gien
– dermabrasion: mài da (làm da láng)
– acne/ˈækni/: mụn trứng cá
– chemical peel: lột da mặt bằng hóa chất
– facelift: giải phẫu thẩm mỹ mặt (facial plastic surgery)

– condom/ˈkɑːndəm/: bao cao su tránh thai
– contaminated: bị nhiễm bệnh
– contraception/ˌkɑːntrəˈsepʃn/: ngừa thai
– contraceptive/ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv/: thuốc ngừa thai
– dilatation and curettage /ˌdaɪləˌteɪʃn ən kjʊəˈretɪdʒ/: nong và nạo thai
– abortion/əˈbɔːrʃn/: phá thai
– cosmetic surgery/kɑːzˈmetɪk/: giải phẫu thẩm mỹ
– ejaculation/ɪˌdʒækjuˈleɪʃn/: sự xuất tinh, phóng tinh
– anal intercourse /ˈeɪnl ˈɪntərkɔːrs/: giao hợp qua đường hậu môn
– fetus: bào thai
– foetal heart: tim thai

– dental procedures: các trị liệu nha khoa
– gum: nướu răng
– diagnosis: chẩn đoán
– a history of high blood pressure: bệnh sử cao huyết áp
– AIDS: bệnh si đa
– alcohol consumption: mức độ tiêu thụ rượu
– alcoholism: bệnh nghiện rượu
– allergy: dị ứng
– an injection of local anaesthetic: chích gây tê
– epidemiology: miễn dịch học
– estimation of blood pressure: đo huyết áp
– anemia/əˈniːmiə/: bệnh thiếu máu
– angina pectoris /ænˈdʒaɪnə/: đau thắt ngực
– antenatal clinic: bệnh viện tiền sản
– appendectomy/ˌæpenˈdektəmi/: giải phẫu cắt bỏ ruột thừa
– arthritis/ɑːrˈθraɪtɪs/: viêm thấp khớp
– auscultation: thính chẩn
– back pain: đau lưng
gene theraphy: liệu pháp gien
general condition: tổng trạng
genetic manipulation genetic engineering ) chuyển hóa gien
gonoccocal urethritis: viêm niệu đạo do lậu
gonorrhoea: lậu
hay fever: viêm mũi dị ứng
heavy periods: rong kinh menorrhagia)
high-dose chemotherapy: xạ trị liều cao
HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus): vi khuẩn kháng nhiễm nơi người
homosexual males: đàn ông đồng tính
hypodermic needles: kim tiêm
hysteroptosis metroptosis) sa tử cung
infection: nhiễm trùng
inflammation: viêm
influenza: cúm
intramuscular injection: chích thịt
intrauterine device (IUD) vòng tránh thai
intravenous administration: chích tĩnh mạch
kidney stones: sỏi thận
limb amputation: cưa cụt các chi
malaria: sốt rét
maternal ward: khu hộ sản
meningitis: viêm màng não
menopause: mãn kinh
menorrhalgia: thống kinh đau bụng khi hành kinh)
menstrual cycle: chu kì kinh nguyệt
microbiology: vi sinh học
migraine: nhức đầu 1 bên
miscarriage: sẩy thai
myocardial infarction: nhồi máu cơ tim
myopia = near-sightedness: bệnh cận thị
obesity: chứng béo phì
obstetrician: bác sĩ sản khoa
opportunistic infections: nhiễm trùng ngẫu nhiên
otitis media: viêm tai giữa
otitis: viêm tai
overweight: quá cân, quá mập
pathology: bệnh lý học
penicillin-allergic patient: bệnh nhân dị ứng penixilin
petroleum jelly: cao dầu (bôi bảo vệ da)
physical therapy: vật lý trị liệu
physiology: sinh lý học
placebo: giả dược
plaque: nha chu
platelets: tiểu cầu trong máu
premature delivery: sinh thiếu tháng (đẻ non)
premenstrual syndrome (PMS): hội chứng tiền kinh nguyệt
presbyopia: viễn thị (mắt của người giàWink
prolapsed intervertebral disc: thoát vị đĩa đệm
prostatitis: viêm tiền liệt tuyến
psychotherapy: tâm lý trị liệu
renal failure: thận suy
rheumatism: phong thấp
rhinitis: viêm mũi
rickets: chứng suy dinh dưỡng
scarring: để sẹo lại
septicaemia: nhiễm trùng máu
sexually transmitted diseases: bệnh lây theo đường sinh dục
side-effects: hiệu ứng phụ
– leukaemia/luːˈkiːmiə/: ung thư máu
– lymphocytic leukaemia: ung thư máu lim-phô bào
– blood sample: mẫu máu
– blood test: xét nghiệm máu
– skin yellowing: vàng da
stem cells: tế bào gốc
sterilization: triệt sản, vô sinh
superinfection: bội nhiễm
symptoms: triệu chứng
syndrome: hội chứng
syphilis: giang mai
the immune system: hệ miễn dịch
to do an ultrasonograph: làm siêu âm
tonsillitis: viêm a mi đan
tonsils: a mi đan
toxin: độc tố
treatment: điều trị
tubal ligation: thắt ống dẫn trứng
tuberculosis: ho lao
umbilical cord: cuống rún
underweight: giảm cân, sụt cân
uninalysis: xét nghiệm nước tiểu
urethra: niệu đạo
vaccine therapy: liệu pháp vắc xin
vaginal intercourse: giao hợp qua đường âm đạo
varicose veins: tĩnh mạch dãn
vasectomy: cắt bỏ ống dẫn tinh (tinh quản)
venereal diseases: bệnh hoa liễu
viral fever: sốt nhiễm siêu vi
vomitting: nôn mửa
wart: mụn cóc
whooping cough: ho gà
wrinkles and lines: những vết nhăn
1. Beginning in 1981, the news media began to mention a report from the federal Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta about a rare, inexplicable type of pneumonia that affected five men in Los Angeles. Then, 26 men in New York were diagnosed with a form of cancer that had been virtually nonexistent in the United States. The common denominator was that all the affected persons were homosexual males. This was the first encounter epidemiologists had with the AIDS virus in the United States.
2. AIDS stands for acquired immune deviciency syndrome. It is believed to be caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. This virus attacks the vital cells of the body’s immune system, so that the affected person becomes vulnerable to a range of rare cancers, and a variety of opportunistic infections (such as pneumonia, chronic diarrhea, meningitis, and so on). The HIV is transmitted through the sharing of contaminated hypodermic needles, through anal and vaginal intercourse, and from HIV-infected pregnant women who pass it on to their unborn fetuses.
3. Medical researchers are discovering that stress has a negative influence on the immune and cardiovascular systems. Hostility and negativity also affect blood pressure which, if repeated regularly over several years, can lead to a heart disease. Not only did the same monkeys in stressful situations develop blockages in their arteries at twice the rate of their more peaceful peers, but among men and women who had suffered from heart attacks, those who could count on two or more sources of emotional support were twice as likely to survive longer than those with no support.
4. So far, Paulette shows no outward signs of the acute lymphocytic leukemia that she has battled for more than two years. If all goes well, her tiny sister may help her survive to enjoy a healthy sibling rivalry. When Mariajose was born, doctors at Jackson Memerial Hospital in Miami drained three ounces of blood from her umbilical cord and froze it in liquid nitrogen. In a few weeks, those blood cells will be injected into Paulette; doctors hope that they will revive her immune system, damaged by high-dose chemotherapy. Umbilical cords are ordinarily discarded at birth. But researchers now know that they are a rich source of stem cells, which produce platelets and red and white blood cells, even when transplanted into ailing patients.
5. Lasers are the newest cosmetic kids on the block – newer than face-lifts, dermabrasion (smoothing with a sandpaper like wheel), collagen injections and the several types of chemical peels. Using short bursts of invisible, high-energy light, these lasers annihilate wrinkles and lines, brown “age spots” and under-eye circles. But most professional medical organizations urge caution. According to Dr. Daniel Man of Boca Raton, Fla., chemical peels give the skin a smoother, more uniform texture than laser peels do. If patients are careless during recovery, scarring could result. They must keep the skin moist with antibiotic ointment for the first few days and then with petroleum jelly plied five times a day.
6. For millions of women with premenstrual syndrome, the tension and irritability can be so overwhelming that it interferes with family and work. But many remedies offered by doctors – diet, exercise, hormones – have produced hit-or-miss results. Now a Canadian study confirms what researchers have hinted at in recent years: the antidepressant Prozac can reduce symptoms in the 3 to 8 percent of women who experience the most severe cases of PMS. Women who took Prozac showed four to six times more improvement than those who took a placebo.
7. They are called dyslexic – a diagnosis some educators say is just an excuse for poor performance. But there is increasing evidence that dyslexia is real and based on biology. In August, a Boston team found that dyslexia may result from abnormalities of a brain region affecting hearing. Analyzing DNA samples from 50 pairs of twins and 358 other members of families with serious reading problems, the scientists focused on a region of chromosome No.6. There they found characteristic genetic patterns in the subjects who were known to suffer from dyslexia. Within the next several years, they expect to isolate the specific gene or genes involved in the disorder. Dyslexia could then be diagnosed with a simple blood test, and young children could then be given a remedial reading help before the stigma of failure hobbles them.
8. Gum disease is caused by plaque bacteria, originating in hard-to-reach areas between teeth and below the gumline – places toothbrushes can’t reach, no matter how well you brush. Plaque bacteria forms in colonies, releasing toxins that make gums red, swollen, tender and prone to bleeding. If not treated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a more advanced stage of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss.
9. Malaria, once thought to be under control, is on the rise as drug-resistant strains proliferate and takes an inordinate toll on young people, both in East Africa and in southern Asia. Not long ago, the world seemed poised for victory in its age-long struggle against malaria. Armed with new drugs and potent pesticides, the WHO declared in 1955 that the disease would soon be eradicated. Malaria parasites now infect an estimated 270 million people every year, killing up to 2 million. Heath officials fear the situation could soon take a major turn for the worse. At the same time, the disease is growing ever more resistant to once curative drugs. The WHO estimates that in heavily infected areas up to 80 percent of first-time mothers are anemic and 40 percent of their babies are born dangerously underweight.
10. Using genetic manipulation to outwit deadly disease is a scientific dream that so far has not come true. But two reports last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences may bring back the excitement to gene therapy, with promising developments in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. In one experiment, scientists combined genetic engineering and standard vaccine therapy to destroy, apparently permanently, a pernicious type of brain tumor in rats. Another gene-therapy experiment offered an intriguing new approach to the treatment of AIDS.
abortion clinic: dưỡng đường chuyên nạo thai
autopsy: giải phẫn tử thi
benign tumor: bướu lành
cataract: mắt hạt cườm (đục thủy tinh thể)
cell disintegration: sự phân hủy tế bào
charlatan: lang băm
communicable diseases: bệnh truyền nhiễm
congenial defects: khuyết tật bẩm sinh
crackpot: thằng khùng, mát dây
deactivating: làm vô hiệu hóa
egg misappropriation: ăn cắp trứng
embryo switching: tráo phôi thai
epileptic seizure: cơn co giật động kinh
exploratory surgery: giải phẫu thủ công (dùng dao “khui” ra xem)
fiberoptics: kỹ thuật sợi quang học
frigidity: bệnh lãnh cảm
gamete intrafallopian transfer: kỹ thuật cấy hợp tử (hỗn hợp trứng và tinh trùng) vào ống dẫn trứng
genetic engineering: “chuyển hố” gien
genetic healing: điều trị gien, liệu pháp gien ( = gene therapy)
genetic manipulation: “chuyển hố” gien
genetically engineered cells: tế bào đã được “tái tạo” gien
goitre: bướu cổ
head lice: chí
heart valve dysfunction: suy van tim bẩm sinh
homeopathy: phương pháp chữa bệnh bằng cách cho uống thuốc (với liều thấp) sẽ tạo ra các triệu chứng giống như người đang mắc bệnh
immune systems: hệ miễn dịch
immunologist: nhà miễn dịch học
impotence: bất lực (liệt dương)
in vitro fertilization: thụ thai trong ống nghiệm
infertility: bệnh hiếm muộn
infirmity: sự tàn tật
intensive-care unit: phòng săn sóc đặc biệt
ketogenic diet: phương pháp chữa bệnh động kinh bằng cách kiêng ăn và ăn thật nhiều thức ăn béo
lab culture: nuôi cấy trong phòng thí nghiệm
life expectancy: tuổi thọ
malignant tumor: bướu ác tính
multiple birth: sinh đôi trở lên
pediatric neurologist: bác sĩ thần kinh nhi khoa
prematurity: sinh thiếu tháng (đẻ non)
pro-choice people: những người ủng hộ việc phá thai
pro-life people: những người chống việc phá thai
prolific: mắn đẻ (đẻ nhiều)
right-to-die activism: vận động cho quyền được chết
robust health: sức khỏe tráng kiện
rotting teeth: răng sún
senescene: tình trạng lão hóa
senility: bệnh lẩm cẩm của người già
skin lesions: da lở lói
sperm: tinh trùng
stunning ethics lapses: những vi phạm đạo đức trắng trợn
taking medication: dùng thuốc
teeth-gnashing = teeth-grinding = bruxism: bệnh nghiến răng trong lúc ngủ
terminal care: chăm sóc trong thời kì cuối cùng (sắp chết)
the ovaries: buồng trứng
to be off drug: không còn dùng thuốc nữa
to be seizure-free: không còn bị động kinh nữa
tumor: bướu
veterinarian: bác sĩ thú y
1. Hazel Welch was 92, severely disabled and living in a Connecticut nursing home when a perforated stomach ulcer landed her in the emergency room at Yale-New haven Hospital. The physician on call, Dr. Sherwin Nuland, proposed emergency surgery to repair her exploded digestive tract.
2. Under $28 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, researchers recently monitored the care given to some 9,000 critically ill patients, at five major medical centers. Their findings, published in last week’s journal of the American Medical Association, suggest that despite two decades of right-to-die activism, vast numbers of Americans continue to die in intensive-care units, alone and in pain, after days or weeks of futile treatment – even if they have living wills.
3. The larger problem, most analysts agree, is that American medicine lacks any conception of death as a part of life. Insurance policies rarely cover hospice or home care, so dying patients end up in hospitals, surrounded by nurses who talk of miracles and doctors who are hell-bent on performing them.
4. While practicing in Lake Placid, N.Y., last week, Grinkov became dizzy and lay down on the ice. He never regained consciousness. The autopsy revealed that Grinkov had severe blockage of major coronary arteries and had suffered a heart attack sometime in the 24 hours before his death. There was zero evidence of drug use; though Grinkov suffered from both back pain and hypertension, he apparently took no medication.
5. Judy McClosky, 33, is a mild-mannered Boston-based office manager with one bad habit: she grinds her teeth at night. She grinds all the harder when she is under stress, and that seems almost constant now, what with worries about her mortgage, construction that has extended her hourlong commute. The tension has done a number on her teeth. In the last six months, she has cracked four molars and spent $2,000 getting them fixed. Now, before she goes to bed each night, she puts on a dental device called “a nightguard,”, which keeps her from grinding her teeth to dust.
6. To infertile couples who have tried every treatment available, conceiving triplets or quadruplets can feel like hitting the jackpot. These days, though, a baby-makes-more-than-three outcome is not so rare: 25 to 30 percent of pregnancies achieved by fertility treatments- including in vitro fertilization (IVF) – now result in multiple births. And while parents may be thrilled at the prospect of their instant families, they also face seious risks. Any multiple birth dramatically increases the incidence of life-threatening and costly prematurity, low birth weight and congenial defects that may not be treatable.
7. Turning back the clock has long been the domain of crackpots and charlatans. Take one look at the claims that enthusiats are making for melatonin, a hormone sold as a supplement in health-food stores, and you’ll quickly sense that nothing much has changed. “Senescene, the downward spiral that we have come to associate with aging, does not have to occur,” Drs. Walter Pierpaoli and William Regelson declare in their forthcoming book, “The Melatonin Miracle.” “Melatonin can stop the spiral.” Strip away the bombast, and it turns out these guys are on to something interesting. Like most animals, we produce melatonin abundantly throughout early life. But the levels in our blood drop slightly before puberty and decline steadily into old age. When Pierpaoli, an Italian immunologist, restores youthful levels of the hormone in mice, they outlive their life expectancies by nearly a third. Recent studies suggest that supplementing the hormone may bolster our immune systems, keep our cells from disintegrating, slow the growth of tumors and cataracts, and ward off heart disease.
8. Physicians routinely peek into the human body with techniques that are less invasive and traumatic, and now veterinarians are doing the same with our pets. Whether a pet has a knee problem, a tumor or a heart valve dysfunciton, exploratory surgeries are no longer necessary to identify the problem. Fiberoptics and ultrasound technologies provide the means for safe, quick diagnoses and allow pet owners to decide if, when and at what cost they wish to treat their pets.
9. It is widely assumed that ideals of beauty vary from era to era and from culture to culture. But a harvest of new research is confounding that idea. Studies have established that people everywhere – regardless of race, class or age – share a sense of what is attractive. We may consciously admire Kate Moss’s legs or Arnold’s biceps, but we are also viscerally attuned to small variations in the size and symmetry of facial bones and the placement of weight on the body. What, then, is beauty made of? What are the innate rules we follow in sizing each other up? We are obviously wired to find robust health a prettier sight than infirmity. As far as anyone knows, there is not a village on earth where skin lesions, head lice and rotting teeth count as beauty aids. But the rules get subtler than that. Like scorpion flies, we love symmetry.
10. Using genetic manipulation to outwit deadly diseases is a scientific dream that so far has not come true. But two reports last week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences may bring back the excitement to gene therapy, with pormising developments in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. In one experiment, scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, combined genetic engineering and standard vaccine therapy to destroy a pernicious type of brain tumor in rats. Led by a molecular biologest Habob Fakhrai, the researchers took cells from a lab culture of a cancer called 9L gliosarcoma. They introduced them into the brains of a healthy rats, where the malignant cells multiplied. Then Fakhrai’s team genetically altered some of the other cultured cancer celles by blocking a gene that makes a protein called TGF-beta. In this cancer, and in some human cancers, TGF-beta plays a nasty trick on the immune system by deactiviating T-cells, which kill invaders. Shielded from the attack by the immune system, the cancer spreads with impunity. But when the researchers placed the altered tumor cells in the rats’ brains, not only were the genetically engineered tumor celles destroyed by the immune system, so were all the untreated cancer cells.
11. Dr. Ricardo Asch has spent a decade at the pinnacle of his profession. The 47-year-old fertility specialist shot to fame in the mid ’80s for pioneering a technique called GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), which can help infertile couples conceive. After investigating the clinic for more than a year, UC Irvine officials shut it down this month and filed a lawsuit accusing Asch and two partners of stunning ethics lapses. According to the university’s legal complaint, the doctors prescribed an unapproved fertility drug, performed research on patients without their consent and, in effect, stole eggs or embryos from some of their patients to create pregnancies in others. The story centered on a woman who checked into the clinic in 1991 to try the GIFT procedure, which involves harvesting fertile eggs from the overies, mixing them with sperm and placing them in the fallopian tubes in hopes of sparking a pregnancy. The woman said Asch had told her he extracted seven eggs, reinserted four with her husband’s sperm and fertilized the remainning three in test tubes so they could be frozen for future use. In fact, Asch harvested 14 eggs from the woman, reinserted four – and had three others fertilized and implanted in another patient two days later. The woman who produced the eggs did not conceive under Asch’s care, but the unanamed recipient of her three eggs bore a son roughly nine months later.
12. One morning in March 1993, film producer Jim Abrahams was pushing his 1-year-old son, Charlie, in the swing at their Santa Monica, Calif., home when the boy’s head dropped suddenly and his right arm jerked skyward. Within weeks the child was suffering epileptic seizures and his parents were desperately scarching for help. They tried drugs like phenyl barbital and Dilantin. They tried homeopathy, faith healing, and brain surgery. But the seizures continued. Eight months and $100,000 later, Abrahams heard about the “ketogenic diet,” a therapy based on fasting and extremely high-fat meals. The leading proponent is Dr. John Freeman, a pediatric neurologist at the John Hopkins Mediacal Institutions, so the Abrahams headed for Baltimore over Thanksgiving to try it. By Christmas, the child was off drugs and seizure-free. Nearly two years later, he still is.
13. Communicable diseases do not depend on actions people take or do not take; rather, they are acquired by chance. If a person, by whatever means, happens to encounter a certain bacterium or virus, there is a high risk of that person becoming ill. Communicable diseases include the infectious childhood diseases such as smallpox and measles, as well as other acute diseases, including influenza or the simple cold. Even though some of these diseases still plague us, the diseases prevalent today are the so-called chronic diseases, of which the main killers are heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Paradoxically, some of the same conditions that lengthened life expectancies and eradicated some acute communicable diseases are also responsible for bringing about the chronic diseases.
acupuncture points: huyệt
acupuncture and cauterization: châm cứu
alcoholic preparations: thuốc rượu
antelope’s horn: sừng linh dương
bear’s gall: mật gấu ( = hùng đảm )
bloodspitting: thổ huyết
borneol: băng phiến
camphor: chương não
catechu: hài nhi trà ( tên khoa học: acacia katechu )
Chinese pharmaceutics: Trung dược học
circulation of qi and blood: lưu thông khí huyết
clinical practice: thực tiễn lâm sàng
cold soaking: ngâm thường ( = lãnh tẩm )
depleted kidneys: thận hư nhược
dizziness: chóng mặt ( = não chuyển )
dragon’s blood: huyết kiệt ( tên khoa học: daemonorops draco B1 )
“earlier dependence” = tiên thiên ( tất cả các yếu tố góp phần hình thành sự sống khoảng giữa khi thụ thai và sinh ra đời. Nói chung, theo quan điểm Đông y thận là nguyền gốc chính của tiên thiên )
edema: phù thũng
emaciation: ốm yếu ( = cơ nhục tiêu sấu )
emotional stimulus: kích động
fertility: mắn con ( = chủng tử )
fire qi: hỏa khí
gentle fire: lửa riu riu ( văn hỏa )
heart-enclosing network: tâm bào lạc
heating: cứu (đốt lá thuốc)
hegu hole: huyệt Hợp Cốc
hot soaking: ngâm nóng (nhiệt tẩm)
impaired vision: mắt hoa, không thấy gì (mục vô sở kiến)
insomnia: mất ngủ
involuntary seminal efflux: hoạt tinh (tự nhiên tinh chảy ra không thể tự kiềm chế)
Jing Qi: kinh khí ( viết tắt của “kinh lạc tạng phủ chi khí” = khí luân lưu trong kinh lạc và tạng phủ )
“later dependence” = hậu thiên (phương tiện duy trì sự sống sau khi sinh ra đời)
lumbago: đau thắt lưng (yêu thống)
maceration liquids: nước ngâm, dầm thuốc (tẩm xuất dịch)
medicinal wines: rượu thuốc
monthly period: kinh nguyệt
musk: xạ hương
needling: châm kim
network activation: kích thích kinh mạch (hoạt lạc)
nourishment: dinh dưỡng
olibanum: nhũ hương
pain in the lower leg: tê bắp chân (kính toan)
palpitation: run rẩy
pathoconditions: tình trạng bệnh lý
pathogenic evil: bệnh tà
powder preparations: thuốc bột ( pulverized preparations: tán tễ)
premature ejaculation: xuất tinh sớm (tảo tiết)
prescription: toa thuốc
qi: khí
rhinoceros horn: sừng tê giác
shock: choáng
sinew relaxation: giãn gân cốt (thư cân)
sleepiness: buồn ngủ (tư ngọa)
sluggishness: lừ đừ, uể oải (giải đãi)
stagnation: đình trệ
stomach ailments: đau bao tử
storing the spirit: chứa thần (tàng thần)
swollen gums: sưng nướu
the five depots and six palaces: lục phủ ngũ tạng
* ngũ tạng: tâm (heart), can (liver), tì (spleen), phế (lungs) thận (kidneys)
* lục phủ: túi mật (gallbladder), bàng quang (bladder), đại trường = ruột già (large intestines), tiểu trường = ruột non (small intestines), tam tiêu (the triple burner)
the gate of life: mệnh môn
the leg sanli hole: huyệt Túc Tam Lý
the ruler: người chủ tể
theory of Jing Luo: học thuyết kinh lạc (the doctrine of the conduits and vessels; kinh lạc = kinh mạch = veins and arteries)
toad venom: thiềm tô
vigor: cường tráng
viscera: nội tạng
wild talk: nói năng lung tung
1. The theory of Jing Luo is the fundamental principle of Chinese medicine. It declares that Jing Luo not only has great significance in the physical function of the human body, but also serves as an important guide for diagnosis and treatment. Hence, the Jing Luo theory governs physiology, pathology, diagnosis, therapy and so on. Whether one is a medical or surgical practitioner, and especially if one is an acupuncture practitioner, one must grasp the theory of Jing Luo in order to achieve effective treatments in clinical practice.
2. Acupuncture is a direct treatment carried out on the healing points on the channels of Jing and Luo by needling or heating. Nei Jing wrote: “To make the blood vessels function well with a small needle,” and “if the illness originates in the blood vessels cure it by acupuncture and cauterization.” That is why Japanese doctors used to call ucupuncture and cauterization “Jing Luo therapy.” Jing and Luo are channels and pathways between viscera and the body. Wherever the Qi of viscera and Jing Luo fill and gather, there are the places where we call acupuncture and cauterization points. The function of acupunture and cauterization are to stimulate and activate the Jing Qi with pricking and heat, hance reinforcing the motive power for the flow and circulation of blood, and then gaining adjustment of the functions of organs and balance between Yin and Yang.
3. The five depots are the heart, the liver, the spleen, the lung, and the kidneys; the six palaces include the gallbladder, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, the bladder, and the triple burner. In addition, there is a heart-enclosing network among the five depots; it is an outer protection of the heart. The depots and the palaces together are the inner depots. Their difference is: the five depots store the essential Qi and do not drain; the six palaces transmit and transform things but do not store.
4. In clinical therapy, the conduits and network (vessels) constitute an important foundation too. The well-known needling of hegu hole on the hand can heal swollen gums and toothache; needling of the leg sanli hole can treat stomach ailments. All these effects are stimulated through the conduits and network. In addition, the conduits and network are also related to the writing of prescriptions and the application of drugs. For example, in Chinese pharmaceutics, the major therapeutic functions of drugs are assigned to the twelve conduits; if an illness is observed in a particular conduit, a particular drug is employed accordingly.
5. The heart generates the blood, and it is responsible for storing the spirit. It is the ruler of the vital activities of the human body. If the heart itself has a problem, either because it received an emotional stimulus, or because of an intrusion of a pathogenic evil – it can let pathoconditions appear such as palpitation, shock, and insomnia, or forgetfulness, and irregular joy and laughter, or wild talk and mental confusion. Once the heart has undergone a pathological change, it will not only lose its self-control, it can also influence the activities of other depots and palaces, and let them develop disorder.
6. The liver stores the blood, and it is responsible for plotting and pondering. The nature of the liver is strength; hence it is also called “general”. Mental stimuli often influence its normal functions, and bring about pathoconditions such as anger, or a feeling of heaviness in the head. This may go so far that fire qi rises and causes bloodspitting. In addition, the liver represents the “earlier dependence” of women (that means, it has reproductive functinos). Hence a therapy directed at the liver should be emphasized if it is intended to regulate the monthly period or enhance the fertility of females.
7. The spleen governs the blood; it is responsible for transport and transformation. Nourishment is most important for the maintenance of vital strength. The spleen is able to digest liquid and solid food, and to transport the essence of food throughout the entire body. Hence it is called the basis of the “later dependence”. When the power of the spleen to transport and to transform is insufficient, this will cause distention after the meals, and hence will lead to emaciation and mental fatigue. The spleen is also responsible for transporting and transforming liquids. Pathomanifestations of liquid-stagnation, such as dermal edema and diarrhea, emerge mostly from spleen weakness.
8. The kidneys store the essence; they are responsible for generating strength. The kidneys play a positive part regarding the vigor of man. When the kidneys are depleted, pathoconditions such as dizziness, ringing in the ears, impaired vision, lumbago, pain in the lower leg, slugghishness and sleepiness all emerge. The kidneys represent the “earlier dependence” in males; hence pathoconditions such as failing sexual desires and involuntary seminal efflux, as well as premature ejaculation, are treated through the kidneys. The kidneys have one characteristic different from all the other inner depots, that is, the kidneys have two segments. The left one is the kidney; the right one is the gate of life. The kidney is responsible for the Yin (qi); the gate of life is responsible for the Yang (qi).
9. Alcoholic preparations are maceration liquids obtained by soaking and extracting drugs in alcohol as solvent. Hence they are commonly called “medicinal wines”. The production methods are distinguished into the two types of cold soaking and hot soaking. Cold soaking is to steep the drugs in wine; after a certain time the liquid can be consumed. Hot soaking is to heat the drugs and the alcohol in a thoroughly closed jar over gentle fire. Medicinal wines are often employed against stiffness and pain in case of wind dampness. Such therapies make use here of the ability of alcohol to support the circulation of qi and blood, and to strengthen drug effects of sinew relaxation and network (vessel) activation.
10. Powder preparations are pulverized preaparations; the drugs are ground into a fine power. Sticky drugs such as olibanum, myrrh, dragon’s blood, and catechu, or drugs with developed volatile nature, such as musk, borneol, and camphor, or relatively expensive drugs such as rhineceros horn, antelope’s horn, pearls, bear’s gall, and toad venom, are all ground separately.




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